


Thank you for our holidays at Nazareth!

 The holidays can be a very difficult time for many, especially if you are struggling with mental health issue, poverty and loneliness. The ladies from Soupe Cafe came in on a cold December Saturday night, full of cheer and goodies, the Lilies gave a concert, volunteer Leandra made a gingerbread house with the residents. Santa came to visit, neighbors dropped in with warm banana bread to share, gifts of hand knitted scarves, warm blankets,hot chocolate to name just a few. We were so enveloped by the spirit and warmth of our community for the men, volunteers and staff at Nazareth. To all of you who took the time in your own busy schedules to remember us, on behalf of the Board of Directors, my deepest thanks. Sheila Woodhouse


“Individuals of First Nation, Inuit and Metis descent are dramatically overrepresented in Canada’s homeless population; in large urban areas new Canadians, particularly those of colour, are increasingly vulnerable to experiencing homelessness.”

Statistic courtesy of

Come support Nazareth House with the Raising the Roof Campaign, whose mission is to raise awareness about and alleviate homelessness! We will be at Pharmaprix Alexis-Nihon TOMORROW Saturday, Nov. 22 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Come by and buy some toques and socks! Proceeds go to Nazareth House and Anne’s House!


“The average life expectancy of a person experiencing homelessness in Canada is 39 years.” (Trypuc & Robinson, 2009)

Statistic courtesy of

Come support Nazareth House with the Raising the Roof Campaign, whose mission is to raise awareness about and alleviate homelessness! We will be at Pharmaprix Alexis-Nihon on Saturday, Nov. 22 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Come by and buy some toques and socks! Proceeds go to Nazareth House and Anne’s House!


“A report by the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness and the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness estimates that 235,000 individuals, youth and families experience homelessness per year.” (Gaetz, Richter & Gulliver, 2014)

Statistic courtesy of

Come support Nazareth House with the Raising the Roof Campaign, whose mission is to raise awareness about and alleviate homelessness! We will be at Pharmaprix Alexis-Nihon on Saturday, Nov. 22 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Come by and buy some toques and socks! Proceeds go to Nazareth House and Anne’s House!


It’s that time of year again! The Raising the Roof Campaign has started! With winter just around the corner, come stock up on socks and hats! Each pair of socks and each hat are $10!


A message from Dominique Voyer (pictured center), Pharmaprix Alexis Nihon owner and Nazareth House board member:

 “There are unfortunately more and more women who are ending up living on the streets in Montreal.  Anne’s House will soon enough be able to provide a safe and healthy environment for our women who find themselves in this horrible situation.  Pharmaprix Alexis Nihon is a very proud supporter of women’s mental health and in helping those who have nowhere else to turn.  Please support our Tree of Life 2014 Campaign by purchasing a leaf, butterfly, acorn or cardinal at our store in Alexis Nihon (métro Atwater).” 

Another big THANK YOU for participating in the Tree of Life Campaign and for choosing to donate to Anne’s House!


“We chose to donate profits from the Tree of Life campaign to Anne’s House because we wanted to help women get off the streets, and to really help them be safe.”

 A big THANK YOU to Pharmaprix Notre-Dame for participating in the Tree of Life Campaign and for choosing to donate to Anne’s House! Pictured here are owner Aimée Trieu (second from the left) and staff members. Donation boxes can be found near the cash registers – just ask !


Beautiful stain glass donated by artisan valued at $600.00, tickets 1 for $5 and 3 for $10.00. All proceeds for our residents’ new blankets & bedding for the coming winter. Drawing October 13th, would you like to buy/sell some tickets? If so, please call (514) 933-6916!

Welcome Back!

We welcome our students & hope they have a great year! Dawson Social Work student Tiffany started last week, Catherine from Concordia University Psychology volunteers weekly and McGill nurses are coming in next week.

Check out the article from The Gazette about our Health and Hope Project with Sam Maniatis (Total Home Training)!


Check out Concordia Reports’ segment about Nazareth from 1:30 to 5:27!


Excellent time at the Comedy Nest! Thank you to all our supporters; some of the money raised will contribute to our resident’s field trip to Jean Drapeau Park this Thursday July 24th. Our resident’s have had the opportunity to enjoy local summer venues thanks to your generosity!

Comedian Orny Adams at the Comedy Nest with Raveen and our wonderful supporters! Thank you for a wonderful night of laughter and supporting the men at Nazareth House!


The electronic version of our Resource Guide “Destination Montreal: Food, Shelter, Relief” is now up on our website!

Please click here to check it out.


The photos from this year’s Golf Tournament are up on our website!

Please click here to check them out!


     Nazareth House is a residence for men who struggle with mental illness, homelessness, and of the terrible byproduct; social isolation. With the immense help from our volunteers, we have yoga, art class, stained glass workshop, a small gym facility, gardening, guitar lessons and baking class. We are open seven days a week, inviting young people, pets, music, celebrating occasions, sharing meals chores and laughter. This could not be done without our volunteers who focus on the strengths of our residents, on who they are-not what their illness is. Board members arrive at 7 a.m. once a month before their own busy work days, high school students come in after school, family members find the time to provide transportation for field trips, build shelves, play a game of crib.

      Last month our volunteers clocked in 276 hours. On a practical level, as a not-for-profit organization this alleviates a financial stress; students and volunteers receive experience that has successfully led to job creation. But most importantly it is the impact on our community.



      Anne’s House construction started Monday March 31st! With the help of Batir Son Quartier, our City, Shaughnessy Village and an amazing Board of Directors, our residence for 30 women who struggle with mental health issues and are at risk for homelessness is on it’s way!!

Why Anne’s House? Why only 30 women when there are so many homeless men and women on the streets of every city in every part of the world….

…..On our streets there are women and men whose dreams were shattered and whose lives were never fulfilled.  Yet, they awake each day and dare to dream despite what they are told.  They may not have an impossible dream but their dreams are what get them up and get them through the day.  The dreams of the homeless are real.  The dreams of the homeless demand so little: Just one cigarette, buddy; a cup of coffee, my friend; any spare change, anything at all.  Imagine the possibilities if we were to teach them to reach for their own unreachable star.  (Excerpt from Father John Walsh; “It is now time to Dream”)


In spirit of “Make a Friend Day”, check out the video of our Health & Hope Program! Here we have our residents working hard with Melanie, from Sam Maniatis’ team of personal and group trainers for Total Home Training (THT)®, who is guiding the exercise routines to help them improve their physical, mental and social well-being.

For the video, please click here.


Check out our Dawson Social Service intern, Honour, sharing with us her experience so far here at Nazareth!

For the video, please click here.
