Golf Tournament


Golf Tournament

The Father John Walsh celebrity golf tournament has, for more than a decade, provided Nazareth House with the much appreciated funds to support our continuing mission and maintaining our residences. Over the years this event has provided more than $400.000.00 of funding, enabling Nazareth house to evolve as a vital community link for those who have lost their way and are seeking a new beginning. Photo: Robin Burns, Sheila Woodhouse and Father John Walsh “The hardest lesson to learn seems to be that we are one with each other, we are one humanity striving to recognize each other as brothers and sisters” Fr. John Walsh, Honorary President We also must acknowledge all those in the private and public sector, whose generous contributions have provided stability and the impetus to continue what Dennis Hadley began some forty years ago. Your support as a SPONSOR or as a DONOR provided us with the funding necessary to pursue our goal of supporting Nazareth House or by offering the gifts for the participants to remember their golf day with Nazareth House in mind. (click to enlarge)

Notre tournoi de golf

Le Tournoi Annuel de Golf des Célébrités, sous les auspices de Father John Walsh, maintenant pour plus de treize ans, a ramassé les fonds pour continuer la mission de Nazareth et l´argent pour maintenir l´édifice en bonne condition. Aujourd´hui, le montant dépasse 400 000 $ Nazareth devient de plus en plus une communauté vitale pour ceux qui, pour un temps, ont perdu le chemin et qui cherchent un nouveau départ. « La leçon primordiale de l´expérience est de vivre ensemble, de reconnaître que nous sommes un seul monde et de se voir comme frères et coeur. » Father John Walsh, Président d´honneur. Nous reconnaissons les contributions généreuses, publiques et privées, qui nous permettent de continuer d´une manière stable et efficace la vision que Dennis Hadley a commencé il y a plus de quarante ans.